Hillbilly Farms Breaking News
6/10/2023: BINGO! Here at Hillbilly Farms we love playing Bingo. And we love making Bingo Cards. We have finally got around to gathering all of our home-made Bingo cards in one place. So if you love Bingo, check out all of our Bingo games.
8/21/2022: Excuse the mess: We have decided that after nearly 20 years (!) it was time to update the style of our website. So for the next few weeks (or years) you may notice that some of the pages have a more modern (and hopefully mobile-friendly) layout while others have our old, dated layout. We hope you enjoy the new look.
8/14/2022: The Herd: We haven't been able to keep up with the latest news from all of the horses here at Hillbilly Farms, so we decided to let the horses do the updates themselves. Introducing The Herd - A Social Network for Horses. Now we can see what really goes on with our horses when we aren't around.
6/30/2022: Interactive Madlibs: Our Hillbilly Farms Hunter Show madlibs are now available in a new interactive format. You can still access the old printer-friendly PDF format. Enjoy!
9/15/2021: Oh, what a weekend it was! Friday was the pre-ride vet check and we distinguished ourselves with a faceplant in the jog and a horse who objected to being drawn upon with a large crayon.
Saturday's ride was quite eventful. It was the first outing with Hillbilly Farms for one of our new riders. Just a few miles into the ride she was baptized in the waters of the San Lorenzo River. Welcome to Hillbilly Farms. (I personally have fallen off of many horses in many different ways. I have also fallen into more rivers and creeks than I care to admit. But I have never thought to combine the two.) After the dunking in the river, we had miles and miles of beautiful trail. Then after that, we had more miles of beautiful trail. And after that, miles of trail, which were also beautiful. When the ride was over we awarded ourselves with these fabulous belt buckles:

When I got home on Sunday, I peeled off my beer-soaked socks, put my feet up, and began planning my next adventure. And sincerely regreted declining the offer of a GoPro for this ride.
3/20/2020: Reading List: We've updated our Official Hillbilly Farms Reading List. Some great books to while the hours away.
9/23/2018: The Horse Who Wouldn't Die: We have just added a new book to our Hillbilly Press catalog. "The Horse Who Wouldn't Die: The Biography of a Useless Horse" is now available as an ebook through various ebook retailers. And you can learn more about the horse who inspired the story here on our website, including photos and an in-depth interview.

8/9/2018: Equestrian Sniglets: For those of you who don't remember the 80's, a sniglet is any word that doesn't exist in the dictionary but should. Here at Hillbilly Farms we have been making up some equestrian sniglets for your enjoyment. You can see the full list of equestrian sniglets on here our website or check them out on our blog, The Road Apple.